Ethical Sourcing

Roman Daniels Suit Club takes an active role in Ethical and Sustainable Sourcing. As a result, we outright will not source goods from certain countries, regions or organisations that show disregard for such matters.

As outlined in our modern Slavery Prevention Statement, we require all our suppliers to recognise and adopt the BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative) Code of Conduct.

The BSCI Code of Conduct aims to set out the values and principles that BSCI participants strive to implement with their business partners along their supply chains. Each BSCI participant endorses the Code of Conduct when joining the initiative.

The BSCI Code draws on important international labour standards, protecting workers rights such as International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions and declarations, the United Nations (UN) guiding principles on business and human rights, as well as guidelines for multinational enterprises of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

On a practical level these principles include but are not limited to: the rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining; fair remuneration; occupational health and safety; special protection for young workers; no child labour; no bonded labour; ethical business behaviour; no discrimination; decent working hours; no precarious employment and environmentally sustainable practices.

We also do regular factory visits where we regularly check up on the practices of our suppliers and where necessary guide them. Certain matters are not negotiable, such as the issue of child labour, other issues require management and guidance, such as the phasing in of environmentally sustainable practices.

In order to monitor the phasing of corrective practices our business relies on the services of Sedex Ethical Trade Audit Report in conjunction with a Sedex Corrective Action Plan Report ( CAPR ).

For Further information on this please contact Andrew Scarf at [email protected]